The EEW Cone Winder Kickstarter has been doing amazing! Over 1,300 people have supported this already with a total of $336K pledged so far. If you haven’t already seen the intro video, go check it out now. After the Kickstarter ends on November 7th you’ll need to wait until it’s in my store at the higher price. I use the money from Kickstarter to fund manufacturing of the first big batch of Cone Winders, which is how I am able to make the price only $189 for this Kickstarter.
This is the last update about the EEW Cone Winder while it’s on Kickstarter so don’t delay and go check it out now.
Fiber Festivals
This past month I was at the NY Sheep and Wool Festival in Rhinebeck. I met thousands of fiber lovers there and gave demos to everyone interested which kept us busy the whole time. It was a ton of fun and a huge shout out to everyone I saw out there who are reading this newsletter.
I am attending the Fiber Festival of New England in Springfield MA November 5-6.
Hadrian’s Wall
About 1900 years ago the Romans started building Hadrian’s Wall across the northern section of England. I hiked a 90 mile trail along this wall for seven days this summer. Some of my favorite vacations are these challenging trips where I have something to accomplish everyday. On this trip I had to walk anywhere from 8 to 20 miles each day to make it to my next inn. It was a flatter trail than others I’ve hiked, but that’s still a lot of miles for my feet and I was certainly sore by the end of hiking each day. Each night we stayed at small local inns. I got to enjoy local foods, and while I don’t drink alcohol, the three friends I went with enjoyed sampling local beer and ciders frequently.

I only get to do these kinds of vacations every few years, but I really enjoy them. I try to disconnect as much as I can from all screens and just let the days pass me by with the physical challenges helping clear my mind. It provides me with a mental reset. I really appreciate that my wife and daughter let me get away for a week and a half to do this. I’m still waiting to see if my daughter gets to the point where she wants to do a week long high someday with us. We do some day hikes and small overnight camping as a family, but at her young age she is certainly not ready to hike long enough that it starts to hurt. I don’t want to push her into something like this because I know this sort of thing isn’t for everyone, but my wife will be joining me when we can both do this together again.
One of the best quotes of the trip happened when I was talking to a local woman who took a day trip to the wall with her daughter. The daughter asked her mom why the wall was built and with her British accent she told her daughter, “The Romans built this wall a long time ago to separate the people in the south from the others that they just couldn’t be bothered with.”
Product Updates
There have been some delays with shipping on the EEW 6.0 and EEW Nano 2. I’m sorry about that, but they are both on my way to my warehouse and I’ll make them available to you as soon as they arrive.
Below are estimates and the dates may change.
- EEW Nano 2 – Shipping late November 2022
- EEW 6.0 – Shipping in late December 2022
- EEW Cone Winder – Kickstarter now (ends Nov. 7th)
I don’t accept pre-orders in my store, but when I get a batch of products there should be enough for everyone.
– Maurice Ribble
(Inventor of the Electric Eel Wheel)
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