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EEW Newsletter – March 2023

Electric Eel Wheel Newsletter by Dreaming Robots

March 01, 2023

Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival

I was accepted as a vendor for the first time to Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival on May 6-7th!  I would like to find a local helper who can help give demos at my booth on both days of my EEW Nano 2 and EEW 6.0.  I try to keep a simple booth where I let people sell my products and let anyone who wants to try them.  I don’t expect any kind of high pressure sales talk, I like to run a chill booth and just let the products sell themselves.  The perfect candidate would have some experience demoing spinning wheels to people, and would be happy demoing at my booth both days.  I am planning to pay $25 per hour and you would get a free pass to the festival.  If you are interested, respond to this email with your experience, your phone number, and why you think you’d be a good candidate.

If you are attending, this is the first time I’ll ever be giving away my free large reusable shopping bags.  These are basically those reusable plastic grocery bags, but with my logos on them.  So be sure to stop by and get one.  I got these as a way to advertise at festivals, but I should have some extras so after I see how successful they are at the festival I’ll sell some at a reasonable price online.  I’ll have more about that in a future newsletter after the Maryland festival.

EEW Photo Contest

Wow, the interest in this contest last month was amazing.  It was so difficult for us to limit the images down to a number that was reasonable for the community to vote on, and then the voting was very close.  Here are the winning photos and the winners of the random drawing.

The first place winner was Melanie Allaire with the photo below.

Second and third place winners were Kate Nicholls and Christine Dotson.  The randomly selected winners were Marci Rheinschild, Elaine Lo, and Sue Schier.  I’ve already sent these people information on how to get their prizes.  I will be posting the photos that were submitted to my instagram account over time so subscribe there if you want to see more.  I’d like to give a huge thanks to everyone who submitted photos to this contest.  It was a ton of fun looking over them, and I’m sure many more people will like seeing all the varied photos as I share them online.

EEW Nano 2 Uptake Improvements

If you are looking for ways to improve uptake on your EEW Nano 2 then I created this video explaining a few options.

Product Updates

Below are estimates and the dates may change.

  • EEW Cone Winder – December 2023

I don’t accept pre-orders in my store, but when I get a batch of products there should be enough for everyone.

– Maurice Ribble
(Inventor of the Electric Eel Wheel)
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2 thoughts on “EEW Newsletter – March 2023

  1. How are you getting on with your CSM plans?

    1. The CSM isn’t making a lot of progress right now. I’m focusing on a Drum Carder and the EEW Pro. Hope to make the CSM my next project, but I can’t make any promises.

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